Psychospiritual/Shamanic Coaching for Life Style Changes
Dr. Sharon G. Mijares
- Life Development and Deep Change is An Important Focus
- Working with Spiritual Emergence Crises
- Understanding Your Personal Mythology
- PsychoSpiritual Changes Leading Toward Greater Authenticity, Meaning and Fulfillment
- Be More connected to Your Life and to Others
- Career Change Facilitation
- Couple Coaching; Finding Goals that Enhance Each Partner and Enrich the Relationship
- Entrepreneur? Coaching Provides the Support You Need
- Creating More Productive and Meaningful Life Stories
Living Life More Fully: Are you interested in personal growth and development to be the best that you can be? Have you felt limited or unsure of what to do? If you are then it's time to move from a Problem Orientation to Inner and Outer Soluntions.
Coaching is an ongoing relationship helping you toward the realization of your vision, goals and desires. Through a process of inquiry and personal discovery you will find that you can create the changes you seek and live more effectively. The Coaching relationship will help you formulate a in-depth plan based upon your life experiences, deal with the blocks and bring the Ideal Vision into Realization.
- Clarify your life goals
- Identify your blocks & your strengths
- Create a meaningful, grounded plan
- Challenge yourself to follow through and create the life you really want.
Far too many people spend 40+ hours a week at jobs that give them little, if any, satisfaction. Erik Erikson formulated eight stages of life. The last stage of our life is called Integrity vs. Despair. The question of this stage is "Did I live my life with integrity." In other words did you fulfill what you really wanted to do? Coaching is designed to help you fulfill your life's Vision.
Given the fact that life is becoming increasingly unpredictable, you want to develop inner strength and understanding that can be called upon in any situation. The shamanic focus of coaching is to facilitate your understanding of various dimensions and how you can be empowered and receive guidance from each one. It is also important to begin to ground with a deepened connection with Nature, and the elements.
Developing a more profound awareness of your breath and breathing patterns reduces stress, thereby buidling a greater sense of inner peace and strength. Breathing practices are included as homework. These enhance the work you're doing.
Individuals are coached to develop their ideal life vision in order to live more satisfying, fulfilling and productive lives.
Couples are coached toward goals. Assessments help them to recognize and appreciate where each partner differs in goal orientation and direction. Individual and partner goals are supported into realization.
I only work with limited clients at a time. I take our work quite seriously. Also, if considering doing this work, the client needs to be willing to embrace the learning in difficult times as well as the good ones. We learn from it all, but the difficult moments bring up unconscious and collective material so it can be integrated.
My life has not been an easy one and I don't regret anything I've experienced as it has allowed depth and quality learning. It and my extensive education have informed how I work.
I only work with limited clients at a time. I take our work quite seriously. Also, if considering doing this work, the client needs to be willing to embrace the learning in difficult times as well as the good ones. We learn from it all, but the difficult moments bring up unconscious and collective material so it can be integrated.
My life has not been an easy one and I don't regret anything I've experienced as it has allowed depth and quality learning. It and my extensive education have informed how I work.
Time Saving: The Virtual Coaching relationship is considerate of responsible life styles and time. Coaching sessions are limited to one-half to one hour. The Coaching takes place on Zoom, phone and e-mailed responses. The Coaching Relationship usually lasts from four to six months. Follow-up is available if this is needed.
NOTE: I do NOT take any insurance programs, but fees are based on your income. Over $60,000 annually, my fee is $125 an hour/under $60,000 annually, my fee is $90. I do 1/2 hour coaching sessions for $60.
This includes Coaching time on Zoom or phone, homework assignments and related email contacts.
Payments are made to my Paypal account.
Call (530) 687-2694 or e-mail (copy and paste if this doesn't automatically link) at
Certified by the College of Personal Executive Coaching afer a two-year training in coaching. Plus licensed psychologist in both New Mexico and California.
Curriculum Vitae: